Dip Doesn T Cause Cancer
HPV is considered by some experts to be a significant cause of mouth cancer but precise estimates of risk elevation are not available. Cigarette smoking was the primary cause responsible for nearly 300000 cases while herpes virus type 8 produced the fewest cases 1040. Gruen Cancer At 17 Youtube Now a product like Swedish snus on the other hand is inconclusivedoes not cause cancer because of the way its cured. Dip doesn t cause cancer . Chances are the last things on your mind are mouth cancer and jaw removal. Smokeless tobacco was not among the 17 risk factors a tacit acknowledgment that the risk of cancer from smokeless tobacco is de minimis. Drink green tea and gargle salt water 3 to 4 times a week. In 2002 I documented 6 that men who generally use moist snuff also called dip or chew do not have significantly elevated risk for mouth and throat cancer RR 1. Thats a warning sign for cancer says Dr. Smoking is bad but dipping is literally like injecting yourself with carcin...