How To Get Rid Of Razor Burn Down There
So try this tip on how to get rid of razor burn when you had shaving itching down there and get rid of really bad razor burn on pubic area. Let your skin soak up the mixture in the open air for about 5-10 minutes before putting any clothing over it. Diy Hack How To Get Rid Of Razor Bumps Fast Youtube Then shave upwards in the opposite direction of the hairs with a 5-bladed razor. How to get rid of razor burn down there . Please remember to subscribe give this video a thumbs up and also. Doing a cold compress is an effective solution to get relief from razor burns. Witch hazel is one of the best remedies for razor burn. Dab the mixture on your freshly shaved area right after you shower. Swelling and bleeding due to the razor and burns can be clogged by the ice pack or cool compress. Just apply a little Neosporin and give them time to heal. Below is a guide on. Also the ice massage will give you relief from the burning sensation of the razor burn. To prevent razor b...