High Compression Socks
8-15mmHg being the lightest compression and 40-50mmHg requiring a doctors prescription. Compression socks generally come in two lengths knee-high and thigh-high but full compression tights are growing more common with athletes. Jeba Knee High Compression Socks Royal Apexfoot Com View our size chart to. High compression socks . If youre sitting more often than not whether at a desk or on the couch wearing compression socks should be on your mind. Both of these conditions can cause physical damage as well as discomfort. They are also medical grade and they have a reinforced. While wearing high-high compression socks might look like a serious commitment you should take into consideration that the taller the stocking the greater the benefits. They are also on the high side of the scale so the socks run all the way up to knee-high. High compression or medical-grade Class-ll support garments offer a pressure rating of 30-40 mmHg. The narrowest circumference of your ankl...